
Empire Acquisition

Posted: 10/21/22 | 2 comments | 9 followers | 0 shares
With the announcement yesterday about Empire acquiring DB, what does this mean for the future of Birdfeed, Subscriptions, and existing Song Credits?

Chirp feed

10 months ago | 1 like 0 comments 0 shares

So I'm happily loyal to DB and the birdfeed, but it would be great to get an update as to where the community is heading. Will eggs be usable at some point again?

over 1 year ago | 1 like 1 comment 0 shares

I'm kind of worried about DB in general with this...

almost 2 years ago | 1 like 0 comments 0 shares

What is the plan with DFC? Kinda want to bend an ear and jump in somehow. 

almost 2 years ago | 6 likes 1 comment 0 shares

I don't think this has any impact on birdfeed at all. They're excited about this technology that we built. 

almost 2 years ago | 2 likes 0 comments 0 shares

Also curious. Following...