Egg Ratings

Posted: 07/02/21 | 4 comments | 4 followers | 6 shares
Tough to rate a track with a four egg system.&nbspSeems like five eggs would be ideal.&nbspFried, Scrambled,Poached, Sunny Side Up,Hard Boiled

Chirp feed

almost 3 years ago | 2 likes 0 comments 1 share
Totally agree! The egged themed wording be hilarious. Maybe even half egg ratings as well to help balance out the tracks since there are so many.
over 3 years ago | 2 likes 1 comment 2 shares
Also, do you guys see average ratings? I think I only see my owm rating on everything: basically 4 eggs everywhere 😂
over 3 years ago | 4 likes 0 comments 2 shares
I completely agree, 5 would make categorization for my lists so much easier