Site Issues & Suggestions

Posted: 07/07/21 | 21 comments | 10 followers | 4 shares
Thank you all so much for sending in issues and suggestions for the new site! In this category feel to discuss problems you are having on the site & any suggestions you may have. For issues requiring personal information please send a support ticket here

Chirp feed

over 1 year ago | 1 like 0 comments 0 shares

You should make it so pressing the SPACE bar pauses the song..

over 2 years ago | 3 likes 1 comment 0 shares
I've had to use points to re-download previously downloaded tracks/albums from the old site. It has not been constant with each release. Some of the previously downloaded content says I do not need to use eggs as its been previously downloaded and some requires eggs. I suppose its not that big of a deal, but I had a pretty decent amount of eggs before I had to recover content that was lost due to a hard drive crash. Other than that I am now enjoying the new site. I was a little bummed when it first came online as I had a lot of content available to be without having to use this egg system. I have been a member since the drip days, so you can imaging how much content was there for me. I am also still getting used to participating in games. The social aspect of the new site is fun.
over 2 years ago | 3 likes 2 comments 0 shares

Noticing the badge issue again with the new game badge

about 3 years ago | 2 likes 3 comments 0 shares
I'm noticing on others' feeds it says I got so and so badge, but they're not appearing on my page...
about 3 years ago | 3 likes 4 comments 0 shares
It would be nice to have track lengths listed too
Dan O 
over 3 years ago | 3 likes 2 comments 1 share
The "HEADERS & SKINS" link on the edit profile page is broken. it takes you to the page but it's just a blank screen. hope this helps!
over 3 years ago | 2 likes 0 comments 1 share
Hey Birdfeed team! I noticed quite a few of the songs I downloaded are 160kbps. Is there a way to get the 320kbps versions? (I can provide a list of the songs if needed) Thank you!
over 3 years ago | 3 likes 1 comment 1 share
When you download an AIFF file, all the ID3 metadata (Track title, artist, album, album art, etc.) don't show up. Only data that appears just shows up in the Track title. Please fix to make downloading music more appealing and easier!
Deleted user
over 3 years ago | 2 likes 2 comments 2 shares
When I try to click on the support link it doesn't go anywhere and the read more link also doesn't work. Using iPhone X iOS 14.6 and Firefox as the browser. Also, the artist follow page is an infinite loop for me of the same 10 artists or however many are there.